In daily life, the middle-age and old men usually wear back pajamas and bandannas on the head, On special events and Tet, they often wear white loose fitting blouses and black trousers (or black loose fitting blouses, white scarf crossing the hip and over the shoulders.) On wedding day, the groom often wears the Sarong pajamas and the red short shirt outside, which is bust splited, collar stood and buttoned –down. Besides a white scarf over the left shoulder, the groom carries a wedding knife (Kam Pach) which means to protect his bride. The Khmer youth now has no longer worn Sarong patterned pajamas and that shirt at home.
The most popular dress is xam pot chan khen (a kind of tubular silk dress of Khmer women)- an unsewed dress, winding around the body. During more special ceremonial occasions, Khmer people often dress in the same style but different colors for each day.
On daily life the Khmer dress in such quite the same as the Kinh people but on ceremonies or Tet, they wear the long dresses as the Cham’s. On wedding day, the Khmer’s brides often wear violet or rosy xam pot, dark red long dress, scarf crossing hip to shoulder and a Plek Plac or a pointed metal or cardboard hat with several towers.
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